

fortune cookie 1 20130311
幸運曲奇的起源實在無法稽考,大部份人的意見,認為是日本人的玩意,由日本傳入美國,中國人加以改良後,成為鬼佬中餐不可缺少的一部份。為西人開的中式餐廳,會在結脹時俸上幸運曲奇,取代西餐廳的糖果。放在幸運曲奇裏的小紙條,有時寫了籤語或預言,有時會教外國人讀中文, 什至會有幸運數字你可用來買六合彩。我收過兩張籤語,很有意思,一直保留至今,我把它們貼在公司電腦螢幕框,每當不開心的時候看著他們會好很多。籤語如下:

“our first love and last love is ... self love."

"happiness is a state of mind."


早前我家老三想跟女兒geneve一起做幸運曲奇,問我甜琛廚房那個食譜是否可行。我只能老實相告,我也不清楚,因我做這種餅我從未成功過。這款餅乾,材料和步驟都很簡單,網上找到的食譜大同小異,材料家裏必有;做麵糊就更簡單,只需把材料混合便成。最高難度就在烘焙和摺型。要能焗到顏色均勻真的比登天難!試做幾次,不是焗燶餅邊,就是餅心不熟;再不就是手腳慢,放得紙條將餅對摺,餅就已硬了不能整形。因為做完creme brulee,家裏有很多蛋白,所以決定挑戰幸運曲奇!

先給大家看失敗品 (太醜的一早已消滅, 這是勉強能接受的版本)

fortune cookie 20130310





fortune cookie 2 20130311

yield: 24 fortune cookies
recipe: adopted from 甜琛廚房

60g egg white
30g unsalted butter, melted or vegetable oil 
15g honey
2 tbsp water 
a few drop of vanilla extract 
60g sugar
a pinch of salt
70g all purpose flour
15g cornstarch (鷹粟粉)
1.cut up paper strips and write whatever you want on the paper. 
2.preheat oven to 280F.
3.sift all purpose flour and cornstarch together. a medium size bowl, mix the egg white, vanilla extract, melted unsalted butter or vegetable oil, honey and water until well blend.
5.add sugar and salt and lightly beat the mixture until sugar dissolve. make sure you don't over beat the mixture, our goal here is to dissolve sugar not to create stiff peak egg white.
6.add flour mixture and folded in lightly until well blend.
7.trace a circle with approximately 3" diameter on parchment paper. Put it under the silicon mat as guide line. 
8.spoon approximately 1 tsp of batter, two at a time, onto the cookie sheet (preferably lined with silicon mat. parchment paper will become wrinkly after a few use due to moisture. i haven't try bake directly on cookie sheet, i assume greasing of cookie sheet required to avoid sticking). gently use the back of the spoon to make circular motions on the surface of the batter to form circles.
9.bake for 7 minutes. turn the cookie sheet. continue baking for another 7 minutes until edge become golden brown and center become light brown. 
10.make sure you wear a cotton glove before handling the cookie. 
11.remove cookie sheet from oven. work quickly! use a spatula to flip the cookie over. place a fortune in the middle of the cookie. fold it in half, gently push the edge downward over the rim of a mug. place the finished cookie in the cup of muffin tin so that it keeps its shape.
12.continue with the rest of the cookies.
13.after finish baking all the cookies. turn off the oven. put the muffin tin with fortune cookie into the oven for 10 minutes. take it out and let cookies cool inside the muffin tin. once cooled, ready to eat.


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